One of the numerous endeavors spearheaded by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan to enhance the quality of higher education in the country is the establishment of the QEC.

On the Day, 15th of January 2024, the Denning Services (Private) Limited took a significant step forward by founding its own QEC. Operating under the guidance of President Mr. Abdul Qadir Naeem, headed by Director the QEC, Prof. Dr. Gobind M. Herani, its operations with the aim of elevating academic standards and fostering excellence within the Denning.


To serve as the driving force and forefront entity in championing, advancing, and amplifying international benchmarks for quality assurance in higher education provision, both within Denning and extending its influence beyond.


To emerge as an esteemed logo of quality assurance within higher education, recognized both nationally and


  • Gather data via feedback forms and course outlines/plans from respective departments.
  • Conduct regular training sessions for the Program & Assessment Team to raise awareness about the self-assessment process.
  • Evaluate the educational provision status at the departmental level through meetings with the Program & Assessment Team.
  • Analyze data critically and collaborate with departmental heads to formulate recommendations.
  • Monitor the progress of corrective actions outlined in the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) by departments.
  • Ensure alignment of curriculum, staff development, research, and scholarly activities with HEC criteria.
  • Assist departments in obtaining accreditation certificates from prescribed councils/bodies.
  • Secure membership with international agencies focused on quality assurance.
  • Validate compliance of Institutional Performance Evaluation Standards (IPES) with HEC guidelines.
  • Enforce HEC rules and regulations regarding faculty appointments, admissions, and plagiarism detection through Turnitin Software.


  • The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) is led by the Director QEC and reports directly to the President, serving as the primary liaison with external entities.
  • QEC ensures public confidence in enhancing and safeguarding the quality and standards of degree awards.
  • It reviews quality standards and teaching effectiveness in each subject area, along with managing academic affiliations with other institutions to uphold program standards.
  • QEC establishes clear and explicit standards as reference points for reviews, aiding employees in understanding candidate expectations
  • To ensure QEC operates smoothly according to HEC's predefined quality parameters, department chairpersons are required to submit the following:
  • It applies the Qualification Framework for curriculum development and ensures faculty appointments align with revised HEC Eligibility Criteria.
  • QEC develops program specifications, outlining the knowledge, understanding, skills, and attributes students of Denning will acquire upon completing specific programs
  • Responsible for fostering curriculum, subject, and staff development, QEC devises quality assurance processes and evaluation methods to maintain award standards and provision quality, promoting research and scholarly activities.
  • It aligns university quality assurance procedures with national arrangements for enhancing and maintaining higher education quality
  • QEC formulates procedures for various aspects including new program approval, annual monitoring and evaluation, departmental reviews, student and employer feedback, and quality assurance of degree programs, among others.
Course contents/plan

For academic quality assurance, it's imperative to furnish QEC with the course contents/plan. This includes maintaining the course file, lesson plan, timetable, and session schedule

Weekly Worksheet

Each faculty member must complete and submit a weekly worksheet, verified by the respective chairperson, to QEC

Course Completion Certificate

To ensure academic faculties have fulfilled the course requirements outlined in the course plan, QEC requires the submission of a course completion certificate.

Attendance Registers of the faculty & students of Denning

Regular attendance is mandatory for students of Denning to be eligible for examinations. QEC must receive the attendance register of each faculty member, duly signed by the respective chairperson

Assignments/Projects/Internship Reports

Chairpersons are responsible for providing all assignments, projects, and internship reports to QEC.

Question Papers (after exam collection):

To assess the quality of paper setting in alignment with the course outline, question papers must be submitted to QEC post-examination.

QEC Organogram

Vice Chancellor


Additional Director

Deputy Director

Data Analyst

Office Assistant

Office Boy

Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE)

The Quality Enhancement Cell at Denning will conduct a Self-Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) on forthcoming dates and schedule will be displayed with details

The primary objective of the visit was to enhance the operational efficiency of Denningsity.

Self-Assessment Report (SAR) StaTu

First Yearly Progress Report


2024 - 2025

Faculty of Management Sciences (FMS)

Department of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration

Program Team:
Assessment Team:

1.Prof. Dr. (External)
2. Dr. (External)

3. ------ (DQEC)


As a student, accreditation offers assurance that the program you're enrolled in, or considering enrolling in, is consistently reviewed and improved to meet nationally recognized standards in the profession. It signifies accountability and commitment to achieving its educational goals.

As a faculty member, accreditation provides a structured process for continuously evaluating and enhancing program quality and faculty development outcomes. It fosters collaboration among faculty, students of Denning and administration to advance the institution’s educational mission

As a psychologist, accreditation serves as a platform for educators and practitioners to discuss the profession's future needs and how best to address them through professional education and training.

As a member of the public, accreditation ensures the program or institution is transparently accountable. It demonstrates the ability to achieve educational outcomes consistent with its stated goals and objectives.




Parents Alert / Certificate

National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC)

Registered For:

(1) BBA
(2) MBA

Accreditation is in Process

National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC)

BS Computer Science
BS Software Engineering

Accreditation Awarded

QEC Activity Calendar

Last Updated on, 24 June, 2025





Course File Audit Visit to Department of Business Administration

Team QEC

Faculty Development Training  

How to prepare YPR and its evidences

18 July 2023

Higher Education Commission

Useful Links

  1. Plagiarism Policy
  2. Faculty Appointment Criteria

QEC Feedback Forms

  • 1. Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire
  • 2. Faculty Course Review Report
  • 3. Survey of Graduating Students
  • 4. Research Student Progress Review Form
  • 5. Faculty Survey Form
  • 6.Department Offering programs
  • 7. Alumni Survey
  • 8. Employer Survey
  • 9.Faculty Resume
  • 10.Teacher Evaluation Form
  • 11.Faculty Evaluation by Dean/ Chairperson (Additional)
  • 12.Employee Performance Evaluation Sheet (Additional)
  • 13.Faculty Interview Questionnaire (Additional)
  • 14.Faculty Demo Evaluation Form (Additional)




Attended by



Progress Review Meeting & Training of QECs

Progress Review Meeting & Training of QECs

Progress Review Meeting on online course readiness

Progress Review Meeting & Training for Quality Enhancement Cell

Progress Review Meeting & Training for Quality Enhancement Cell

Training on Pre visit preparation of IPE , MS/M.Phil & PhD Program Review

Progress Review Meeting on IQA Mechanism

1st Quarterly Meeting

HEC Monitoring Visit

To verify the data provided to Quality Assurance Agency w.r.t Self-Assessment Reports (SARs) of 12 programs and to assess the progress of QEC, Following Office of Quality Assurance Agency (“QAA”) visited QEC will visit on—— Friday, December 20, 2024.

  • Assistant Director QAA
  • Project Manager, QAA

The agenda of the meeting / visit was: will be planed

  • Brief Presentation by Director QEC on the progress of the Department Since inception.
  • Visit to the QEC Department.
  • Physical Verification of assets purchased for the establishment of QEC.




QEC Resource Guide

  1. Rubric Standards Version 1.1_NBEAC Procedure of Course & Faculty Evaluation
  2. HEC Plagiarism Policy.
  3. Slides on how to write a Scientific Research Paper.
  4. Rubric Standards Version 1.1_NBEAC.
  5. QEC on Orientation.
  1. HEC Self Assessment Manual.  https://qec.ucp.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Self-Assessment-Manual.pdf
  2. IPEPS Manual for HEIs_11 Standards. https://dqe.hu.edu.pk/public/downloads/manuals/IPES%20Manual%20for%20Universities%2011%20standards.pdf


QEC offers internship to student of TU with exceptional academics along with proven ability to learn. The internship periods consist around 6-8 weeks.

Director QEC will present internship certificate to

QEC Team during certificate distribution ceremony